Posts Tagged ‘James L. Brooks’

More underwhelming debuts at the Weekend Box Office

December 19, 2010

It was another underwhelming and disappointing weekend at the box office as three newcomers couldn’t spice up movie grosses for a second week in a row. After the poor showings for the latest Narnia and The Tourist last week, Tron Legacy and Yogi Bear both opened to lackluster numbers and How Do You Know? out-and-out bombed. Faring best was the Tron reboot which took in $43 million, but considering the massive marketing and huge production budget, Disney had to be expecting more. I say the fact that it’s not really good is probably the main reason for these numbers. Opening in second was Yogi Bear which took in only $16.7 million. We’ll see if either film can hold up in the weeks ahead after the Christmas rush ends. One film that better pray to stay afloat is the new romantic comedy from James L. Brooks (As Good as it Gets), How Do You Know? which tanked with only $7.6 million for 8th place. Poor Reese Witherspoon may not be the romantic comedy pull many thought she was. I say the movie is probably just that bad and Reese will bounce back no problem…. It wasn’t all bad news at the box office as Oscar contenders The Fighter and Black Swan expanded into national release with very strong numbers following their Globe and SAG noms. Take a look at the new top ten below and for more numbers, head to Box Office Mojo here.

TW LW Title (click to view) Studio Weekend Gross % Change Theater Count / Change Average Total Gross Budget* Week #
1 N Tron Legacy BV $43,600,000 – 3,451 – $12,634 $43,600,000 $170 1
2 N Yogi Bear WB $16,705,000 – 3,515 – $4,752 $16,705,000 $80 1
3 1 The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader Fox $12,400,000 -48.3% 3,555 – $3,488 $42,764,000 $155 2
4 19 The Fighter Par. $12,200,000 +3,966.5% 2,503 +2,499 $4,874 $12,634,000 $25 2
5 2 The Tourist Sony $8,700,000 -47.2% 2,756 – $3,157 $30,791,000 $100 2
6 3 Tangled BV $8,676,000 -39.5% 3,201 -364 $2,710 $127,819,000 $260 4
7 6 Black Swan FoxS $8,300,000 +151.1% 959 +869 $8,655 $15,708,000 $13 3
8 N How Do You Know Sony $7,600,000 – 2,483 – $3,061 $7,600,000 $120 1
9 4 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 WB $4,845,000 -42.9% 2,860 -717 $1,694 $265,546,000 – 5
10 5 Unstoppable Fox $1,800,000 -51.4% 1,874 -1,093 $961 $77,343,000 $100 6

Anne v. Reese~ the Battle between the Fall’s Leading Ladies

August 14, 2010

Two of Hollywood’s hottest and most in demand actresses are back on the big screen this fall with new romantic comedies that could garner them big box office and possible even awards bait. Oscar winner Reese Witherspoon and Oscar nominee Anne Hathaway will be vying for the public’s dollars with their latest releases How Do You Know? and Love and Other Drugs. Witherspoon seems more likely to top the box office with this latest comedy from Oscar winner James L. Brooks (Terms of Endearment, Broadcast News) co-starring funny guys Owen Wilson and Paul Rudd. However, Hathaway might get more awards attention for Love which costars her Brokeback Mountain husband Jake Gyllenhaal and is directed by Ed Zwick (Traffic, Shakespeare in Love). Take a look at the previews for each film below. Hathaway hits theatres first on Nov. 24 while the second highest paid female star in the biz (after Sandra Bullock), Witherspoon, debuts in theatres on Dec. 17. Who do you think will have the bigger hit? And will either be in the Awards derby at the end of the year? Sound off below.

Anne Hathaway in Love and Other Drugs

Reese Witherspoon in How Do You Know?